- Fee is 1 %
- Payouts several times a day
- Payout commission is 0%
- Payout scheme is PPLNS (360 minutes)
- Algorithm - FishHash
- Balance validation time is 10 blocks
- Consensus - PoW
- Default payout limit is 1 Iron . It can be changed from 0.05 Iron and up to 50 Iron
- Share difficulty is static and equal to 10^12. Recommended minimum hashrate is 2000 Mh/s
- Nanopool's address - 0a88574634e8eba1bc90e6b4e6c381b65de2660d72e1dfe0c5ed6c2aba3826d6
- Windows/Linux OS
- At least 4GB of GPU memory each
- Minimum 8GB RAM
- Stable internet connection
- Mining software (Miner)
- Ironfish wallet address
- Using the pool is at your own risk and we cannot compensate any possible losses.
- Accounts will be deleted automatically after 6 month of inactivity, remaining balance of deleted account will be sent to the pool as donation.
Pool Connection
We highly recommend to use SSL connection. It more safe and stable than stratum.
Location | Server Host | Stratum Port | SSL Port |
Europe | iron-eu1.nanopool.org | 10800 | 10843 |
Europe | iron-eu2.nanopool.org | 10800 | 10843 |
US East | iron-us-east1.nanopool.org | 10800 | 10843 |
US West | iron-us-west1.nanopool.org | 10800 | 10843 |
Asia | iron-asia1.nanopool.org | 10800 | 10843 |
Japan | iron-jp1.nanopool.org | 10800 | 10843 |
Australia | iron-au1.nanopool.org | 10800 | 10843 |
Quick Start Guide
For example, we will use Rigel
Depending on your OS, download Rigel for Windows or Linux
Extract the miner to any folder you like and navigate to it
Locate and edit "iron.bat" file with any notepad app
- Fill the following into the file:
Full configuration example:
rigel.exe -a ironfish -o stratum+tcp://iron-eu1.nanopool.org:10800 -u YOUR_WALLET.YOUR_WORKER_NAME/YOUR_EMAIL --log-file logs/miner.log
- YOUR_WALLET - your valid Ironfish address.
- YOUR_WORKER_NAME - simple short worker name (like worker01). Optional.
- YOUR_EMAIL - your email address for notifications. Optional.
If you have a PID, which is also called Memo, you need to specify it as listed above:
rigel.exe -a ironfish -o stratum+tcp://iron-eu1.nanopool.org:10800 -u YOUR_WALLET+MEMO.YOUR_WORKER_NAME/YOUR_EMAIL --log-file logs/miner.log
Double check you set your own wallet and it's correct. Set a simple worker name to track your RIG on the pool and an email address to receive alerts when your RIG goes offline. Alternatively, you can set a passphrase instead to access the account settings.
Check your statistic here: iron.nanopool.org
If you encounter any issue, or you have questions, kindly check the FAQ section first. If it did not help, feel free to email us at: iron@nanopool.org and keep in mind that your Nanopool account URL, your miner's configuration (.bat/.ini) file content and your miner's recent log file can help us to figure your issue out quicker, so be sure to attach them in advance when emailing us.