The Rigel Nvidia GPU miner is a newcomer among the mining software solutions for GPU miners and more specifically for Nvidia GPU mining rig operators, but it is doing quite well in terms of competing with other older and more established and widely used miners. It does not support that many algorithms, but it is quickly introducing support for ones that are gaining a lot of user attention and the performance is really good. Not to mention that the miner comes with a nice text-based terminal user interface, is quite easy to use and comes with the right number of features including full overclocking set for the GPUs.
Download The Miner from GitHub and extract the archive to any folder.
To change the configuration, open iron.bat file and replace the values
rigel.exe -a ironfish -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR_WALLET.YOUR_WORKER_NAME/YOUR_EMAIL --log-file logs/miner.log
- YOUR_WALLET - your valid Ironfish address.
- YOUR_WORKER_NAME - simple short worker name (like worker01). Optional.
- YOUR_EMAIL - your email address for notifications. Optional.
If you have a PID, which is also called Memo, you need to specify it as listed above:
rigel.exe -a ironfish -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR_WALLET+MEMO.YOUR_WORKER_NAME/YOUR_EMAIL --log-file logs/miner.log
Double check you set your own wallet and it's correct. Set a simple worker name to track your RIG on the pool and an email address to receive alerts when your RIG goes offline. Alternatively, you can set a passphrase instead to access the account settings.
Double click the iron.bat file to launch the miner.
Additional Information
More information about Rigel configuration can be found on GitHub