T-Rex is a NVIDIA GPU miner with web control monitoring page. The miner runs on both Linux and Windows and has a build-in developer fee of 1%.
Warning: Miners are listed here for convenience. Non-official miners have not been vetted. Use at your own risk. All fees are to the developers of the miners.
Download T-Rex Miner here and extract the archive to any folder.
Make sure your start.bat file file looks like this:
t-rex.exe -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp://rvn-eu1.nanopool.org:10400 -u YOUR_WALLET.YOUR_WORKER_NAME/YOUR_EMAIL -p x -l log.txt
- YOUR_WALLET - your valid RavenCoin address.
- YOUR_WORKER_NAME - simple short worker name (like worker01). Optional.
- YOUR_EMAIL - your email address for notifications. Optional.
Double check you set your own address and it's correct. Set a simple worker name to track your RIG on the pool and an email address to receive alerts when your RIG goes offline. Alternatively, you can set a passphrase instead to access the account settings.
Double click the start.bat file to launch the miner.
Additional info
T-Rex miner takes additional 1% fee.
More information about T-Rex miner: bitcointalk.org.